REC Silicon: Part 5
Emergency Vent System Tank Replacement
Project Details
The Silane Plant 3 Emergency Vent System Scrubber Tank has reached its end of service life and is being replaced. The replacement tank is a 32 Ft diameter by 40 Ft high FRP tank matching its predecessor. The tank will be field assembled within the confines of the existing structure.
Key Project Challenges

- Replace an existing tank surrounded by a heavy industrial structure currently supporting vital processes.
- Aggressive schedules to complete preparatory field work prior to receipt of the new tank.
- Select mechanical equipment was upgraded in addition to the tank
- Sequencing to support a phased demolition and rebuild effort.
- A tight labor market presented challenges securing experienced contractors and labor
IPC Solutions

- IPC, REC, and the tank supplier developed an installation sequence allowing the existing structure to remain substantially in place, saving considerable time and expense by retaining the structure.
- Developed Scopes of Work defining clear boundary limits for each trade contractor. Secured contracts with REC for that work.
- Close coordination of contractor manpower and materials to ensure sufficient resources to make progress. Management of change orders.
- Contracts were Multiple Prime Contracts direct to REC Silicon
Owner’s Benefit
- Considerable savings of time and funding were achieved by retaining the existing structure, which greatly shortened the overall schedule.
- Process reliability was improved due to upgraded mechanical equipment.
- Lessons learned on this project can be replicated at Plant 4 should that tank require replacement as well.
- Successful project execution resulted in improved relationships between REC and local contractors for future projects.